Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Hi hi
I have already written this post, and then I accidentally deleted it... 
It has taken me a few days to simmer down. I iz here now so

I thought that I would give shout-outs to things that have helped me get through the weeks:

General Conf


Springtime (I haven't really ever loved spring, but I am diggin it)

The "Dream Team" group chat

My weird dad

My motha (she will miss me when I'm gone)

Carmel-Sutra ice cream from Ben and Jerry's



Wedding accounts on the Insta

George Ezra

R. Kelly remixes

Friends that are receiving their mission calls

Baby toes

My doggy

Sadie girl


moving on..

My favorite quote in conference was: 
“I am convinced that a husband is never more attractive to his wife than when he is serving in his God-given roles as a worthy priesthood holder—most important in the home.” -Sis Burton.

My mantra lately has been to truly appreciate what you have now because it could be gone in a split second. God has our lives mapped out and He changes things up so that we can learn and grow. As graduation approaches, I find myself cherishing more and more moments. This past week, I realized that it was my last Easter at home as a kid. I was friggin out.

Put honey on your lips to moisturize.

Jen (one of my best-good friends) and I are memorizing "Bust A Move" by Young M.C. before we graduate. We think it's a great idea.

If you marry me, every blog post will be about you.

I started to watch Pretty Little Liars and I am baffled about how Aria can hide her relationship with Ezra. Like if I had a man like that, I would want people to know.

There is really no "good" in goodbyes, unless you loathe the person.

Boys are ok this week. 

Impulsive buy of the week:

I hope that you get to laugh this hard some time this week.

I need someone to help me recreate this photo. 

Always have napkins in your car, never eat foreign candy. 

Always remember

Buy your Senior Dinner Dance tix pls



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